
Showing posts from April, 2007

Daddy Weekend

Just the Q-juniors and dad this weekend. While Ms. Orange breaths deep of the mountain air in Banff, I am being my most indulgent. We slept in a little this morning and took it slow. T1 had a bit of a cough so she road in the trailer all the way there and most of the ride home. T2 was a cycling trooper, per usual, and we set a new record of 30 min. flat to Grandma and Grandpa's house. I had a good visit with the family and then PCarbon and his boys teamed up for some Resistance: the Fall of Man fraggin'. We stayed until 2pm! It was windy on the ride home so we took the opportunity to stop on campus for a little "rest" and photo op. We spotted a rather large magpie nest (24" TV sized, a.k.a. ~24" ) and I was induced to do a bit of climbing myself (twisted my arm, they did). You can't tell where I was because T2 likes to be in nice and close with the telephoto :) Curse my Cannon and its 12x zoom. Daddy Weekend Hey, this pic is a LINK! Click, Click, Click ...

Family Fun Night

Ecole Victoria School had their annual family event tonight. Anyone with an interest in the kids antics can investigate the photos. Fun Night 2007 Yes, you should click on this picture Nothing too interesting, but Leora did manage to win one of the coveted cakes in the ' cake walk ' event.

Treo workout

A couple of weeks ago my tech-fingers got itchy. I really wanted a new cell phone, but couldn't afford the $$. Well, a change is as good as a rest, so... since Saskatchewan finally got phone# portability in March (yaaa!) I decided to break out Liz's broken sim-card Treo 600 phone and try to fix it up. The Screen had lines running through it as a result of repeated dropping, I believe, and the volume button was broken. A loose video cable was responsible for the screen problems and A piece of tissue paper strategically wedged solved the problem nicely. As for the volume control, the problem was obvious, but not as easy to fix. Goop to the rescue. Not the easiest stuff to work with. I find it a bit messy, but it is oh, so flexible. I have used it to fix quite a few broken plastic parts, but none so small as this. I was really impressed with the results. As a sad footnote to this whole affair, our new cat recently sent the fully functional Treo sailing off of my night-side...

Anna's Inspiration

Our good friend Anna has been keeping a blog of (nearly?) every meal she has been eating for the last little while. I am inspired to present, at least, one of my meals. My latest craze is pizza. I have always loved it in most of it's non-frozen forms. Recently, Wendy made the grand mistake of allowing me to get a fantastic new book ( from McNally Robinson. The author spent many years in southern Italy and provides a wealth of traditional techniques blended with some common sense updates (e.g. the food processor). While I have found that the flour to water ratio in the basic crust recipe is suspect (perhaps altitude or strange measuring devices are to blame...), the instructions and description of how the dough should handle were so accurate that I have been able to make crusts that far surpassed any of my previous attempts (and there have been many). Then there is the sauce that is rendered from fresh vine tomatoes right on the stove as the dough rises. Fresh spices and ...

Every Dog and his Day

Why is it that something that is designed (read marketed ) to make dogs (read humans ) feel better (read less guilty ) can somehow manage to spoil my day ( At any rate, I was over at Daviditron this morning and it seems to be working wonders for him. Personally, I think it's just the weather. I can't believe what a difference it makes to me. I've heard that people in Saskatchewan (no citation available) are more prone than average to obsess and talk about the weather every chance we get . . . witness! I am beginning to realize just why that is. Like Dave's shoulder beginning to lift from his side, my 'prozac' is waxing in the sky right now . . . hmmmm . . . shoulder surgery spirits surface, sleeve ascends seeks solar solace Can you tell? I'm doing much better now . . .