City Questing

I am hereby announcing my intention of doing another trek around the city of Saskatoon this summer. My proposed date is Saturday July 7th (4am-ish). I'm pretty solid on that date, but I would be willing to negotiate with anyone who is actually serious about coming along for the trip.

There are two things I have learned from my previous attempts:
  1. Prepare. That is mentally and physically. If you aren't running, or at least walking (a lot) yet... START! With construction and all, we could be looking at 65 km or more. For perspective, that's coming up on 1.5 marathons.
  2. Involve such family as you have. People walking stretches with me and meeting for picnic lunches, etc... were both encouraging (trust me, it's a long day) and just plain fun. Wendy will be heading up my support committee. If you are going to come along you should have your people talk to my people.

Here are the links to my trip from last year.
lead-in, ramblings and pictures


Greta James said…
I would like to come. How do you feel about doing a walk around Ellensburg? Hey, you could make the walk that much more of an event and walk to Ellensburg...of course, then your support "people" may desert you. Oh well - I'm more fun anyway. I will keep you entertained with stories about Monkey's and consciousness.
Unknown said…
I'm going to tentatively say that I'm in for this. I've got good shoes and my legs are stronger than they've been in years.

I'll talk to CPM about this and get back to you with a definite sometime this weekend.
Unknown said…
What is the estimated time to complete? I thought you discovered that you had left too early last year and could have waited to disembark.
captainorange said…
Last year took 16hr 17min according to this post

Roughly it breaks down as follows...

8am-ish stop at 11th st esso = 15m
Late-morning breakfast at husky = 40m
Supper Picnic = 1hr
5min break to stretch every hour= 1h15m
Misc family visit breaks/change of socks/shirts = 20min

Non-Walking time = 3hr30min
Walking time = 12hr47min

Ball-park: we walked out the door at 4:30am and got back to my door around 9pm. We started and finished in the dark -- In mid-AUGUST

If you want to tweak the start time a bit, I'm game, but I honestly don't think there is much time to move on the non-walk time without turning the trip into sheer misery. That said, I'd be happy to let you set the pace.

If the total time is getting to you, I suggest you may wish to meet me at the Esso on 11th, though I'd rather have your company for the whole ordeal. That would start you nearer to 7am. If we somehow turned out to be super faster than I expect, you could always drop me at my door and continue the 2-3hr bit from my house to 11th by your lonesome to get the feeling of completion.
Toad008 said…
Just a comment from someone normally up at 4am, I don't think you'll be in the dark.

I might go for the join up on 11th at 7-8am, and finish the walk on my own. The later night end time doesn't really matter to me.
What sort of timeframe do you try to follow for the other events in your time breakdown? (Like late-morning breakfast? and Supper picnic?) The largest constraint for me is my odd sleep schedule, which requires more strict sleep times. (and lots of them)
captainorange said…
Right you are my good amphibian. I had not done my homework, but rather was working from last years experience. It seems that this early July date will garner us an entire 2hrs more daylight.

Sunrise is currently 4:46am
Our big day -- July 7th -- is 4:55am
Last year's date -- Aug 26th is 6:08am
Times obtained here

I've further annotated this google map. Clicking on the push-pins will give some pictures and exact times for the locations. Hope that gives you some idea.

I'm willing for the trip to be a bit longer, but not too much, if it can at all be helped.

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