
2 attendees: Vin and MeVin, Me, January, James,
Jay-Pep, Chantelle
good food availableFood was fantastic
Irish beer and ordinary coffee
to drink
Several Irish beers, Irish-style coffee,
Barley water w/lemon and honey!
listen to Irish-based rock musicSeveral Irish Artists, James played
guitar and he and I sang 2hrs
of U2, Sinead, Spirit of the West, and others
moderated to annoying amounts of
Joyce analysis
check! Actually, I found it quite subtle
and cleverly (hope, hope) integrated
into conversation about society and (hu)*man

All in all, a fantastic time was had by yours truly. This is definitely an event to repeat next year!

* in case Lucky is reading along...
I don't want you to get the wrong
idea about my gender-bias


rainswept said…
Yes, it all came together an order of magnitude better than I had hoped. I was super-pleased to have you all over.

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