Blogger Comments
Made a change to the blog today that will affect those of you who comment. I've enabled G+ commenting, which (as you may have guessed) means that Google+ now handles the comments. It has several benefits: you will automatically get notifications when your comments are commented on -- no pesky check boxes or "subscribe" options. If you share a post via G+ your share will appear on the blog (probably won't affect anyone here) you control who can or can't see your comments--including me--(assuming that concerns you). If you are familiar with G+ Circles you will be aware that you can easily specify who can see your comments. It's interesting that an entire conversation could happen on a post that the blog author wouldn't see. So make sure you post "public" or at least to a circle that I'm in :) you can edit or delete your comments like most Google data, it can be downloaded via Google Takeout . Good info for this on Data Liberation . Th...