
Showing posts from April, 2013

Blogger Comments

Made a change to the blog today that will affect those of you who comment. I've enabled G+ commenting, which (as you may have guessed) means that Google+ now handles the comments. It has several benefits: you will automatically get notifications when your comments are commented on -- no pesky check boxes or "subscribe" options. If you share a post via G+ your share will appear on the blog (probably won't affect anyone here) you control who can or can't see your comments--including me--(assuming that concerns you). If you are familiar with G+ Circles  you will be aware that you can easily specify who can see your comments. It's interesting that an entire conversation could happen on a post that the blog author wouldn't see. So make sure you post "public" or at least to a circle that I'm in :) you can edit or delete your comments like most Google data, it can be downloaded via Google Takeout . Good info for this on Data Liberation . Th...

Stairs of the World

With the extended winter that we have felt this year in Saskatchewan (yes, yes... and many other places too) I have been in a bit of a funk. Trying to get over it usually involves pushing myself to some physical extreme. At Quest New Year, The Doctor mentioned that his brother had embarked on a mission to do his age in chin-ups, of all things. Checking my records... I see that my maximum ever was 16 in a row (currently at 10). That gives me a ways to go, but I have decided to work on it. At the same time, so my lower body doesn't atrophy, I have been attacking the Arts Tower with renewed vigor. The tower is approximately 50.22m  and I'll throw a little history lesson  (dates of construction etc...) in for good measure. For now, I'd love to make the assumption that the total height of the building, 50m, roughly equals the distance I run from the basement to the top floor. Sadly, for me, in 1996 I measured the height of a single stair at 18cm. My own internal measurements...