Halloween 2012

I think I just lost a button!
Wendy and I are not much for partying. This year we started off Halloween a little bit early. We got some tickets to a Diabetes fundraiser and enjoyed ourselves dancing part of the night away with Jodi. The band played a little too much country for our taste but, for the most part they seem to read their audience well. We're just not typical, I guess.

Anyway, the cool thing is that we got to design steam punk costumes for ourselves. I really love to make things and this was an awesome opportunity to play around with paint and cheap doodads that we found at Value Village. The two feature parts of my costume were the knee-length leather jacket which I found for $14 and a top hat. The hat was originally baby blue felt, which just wouldn't work for my particular costume. Although, as it turns out, it would've matched Wendy's outfit pretty well.

Alas, the candied corn wound up in the trash :(
Sadly, my camera had just arrived back from Florida and I hadn't checked out the batteries or anything else on it. Also, I was pressed for time and so I didn't make an opportunity to take some pictures as I designed the costume. Will I ever learn?

The day before Halloween, the girls and I did a little cooking. Not everything was a success but, the caramel apples for Anwyn's class turned out very well.
On Halloween proper, we visited Vin and Chantelle for the second year in a row. They really know how to put together a party and everything looked great as usual. What's more I didn't have to cook.

This year marks the first year that Leora did not trick-or-treat with us. She opted to go over to a friend's house and was rewarded with the largest container (I can best describe it as a bucket) of candy I've ever seen her acquire. while she is a bit shy in the costume department, we eventually convinced her to go a little outside of her comfort zone. You'd never know she wants to be a stage actress.

I call this one, "take the damn picture so I can go to my friend's house, already!!!"
Of course, the other kids took no convincing.

Someone may have done a little compu/revisionist history with respect to Matt's makeup
How strange... Autumn in January. Or is it the other way around...
A horrible greeting from the Pumpkin Nest!

For the record, it was quite cold! Perhaps you noticed. Only about -5 but, the wind seemed extra bitter. To the kids credit, there was less complaining then I have ever heard with this group. Okay, there was James, but he's always cold.

--edit 11:29am--
I guess I shouldn't single out James. All of the "adults" were freezing our fingers off. James just happened to have 50% less body fat than the rest of us.

The rest of the Halloween costumes can be found here, as usual.

 And, as a little treat for reading to the end... Here is my favourite picture from Halloween 2001. They were 2 and 3.
Pirate and Red Riding Hood


Greta James said…
That last picture definitely pulls at my heart strings. I can't believe they were ever that young. I guess mine are going to grow up too...hunh?
bumbleB said…
Love the pictures.. can I have a candy apple? mmm....
Kyla said…
I love that picture of little ones, you know how to make aperso go aw at the end. You also know how to make a person laugh out loud at the beginning. Your couple shot needs to be framed. HAAHA! I just looked at it again and it elicited the same great laugh. Thanks Mike!
Anonymous said…
For the record, it was quite cold! ....
--edit 11:29am--
I guess I shouldn't single out James. All of the "adults" were freezing our fingers off. James just happened to have 50% less body fat than the rest of us.

Whew, look at the weather 24 hours later!

Thank The Gatekeeper we didn't have to battle this last night. Though I suppose 'twould make the rewards all the sweeter.
captainorange said…
I think to avoid this potential risk to our precious young ones we should have the kids stay inside and older people will drive house to house delivering candy to the children. Mark my words. This is prophecy.

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