Pharaoh Peaks
Setting Sun avec Wine Gums... Perfect! Wow! So, naturally, I got sick immediately upon returning from NB. Averaging 1300 km/day and sleeping in the car for a week seems to have taken it's toll. For anyone who has noticed (and/or cares) I have not had a chance to do a blog post about my time in Boston with Brad. I still plan to get to that... honest. But, "time doesn't wait for me, it keeps on rollin'" -- Foreplay/Longtime (on YouTube) by Boston ;) As a man of the moment, this is what is in my head right now. Time doesn't wait, but Boston probably will. I look forward to my mountain trips with Dave each year, yet I had decided that I couldn't gracefully manage to make it out to Canmore this time. 10 days getting out to New Brunswick and back... several projects at work that I was behind on, and a garden full of future pizza sauce and pickles that wouldn't wait a moment longer. I had given up. Resigned myself to my fate. Of course, you all ...