
Showing posts from October, 2005

Quest Time

or as I have affectionately come to call it QT . The acronym can also currently be used for "Quest Tuesday," the mysterious " on the q.t. ", or (as it happens) quite a few other things . What the hell is it? What is it good for? As with many things worth explaining , the answer is (too?) complex. I use The Quest as a way of describing my approach to life. I don't think that is uncommon. It is an ideal -- a personal measure of the quality of how I am living. I could (and will eventually) spend pages trying to prosify what is a very simple idea which still seems ineffable. Instead, for now, I will offer two poems that I have written which may clarify my particular approach. We'll talk more of this later... Sherandilin He Who Watches Sherandilin, the city fair. The questor's souls have perched 'mongst rare And wondrous beings of power and might Whose deeds become my dreams at night. When last I lay my wearied head, The questor's trail-song stands i...

Serenity - No Spoilers

If you want spoiler info, comment and I will email you. As you may be aware from reading CO and LittleScratches, I was really excited about the movie. I own the series on DVD and have watched most of the episodes 3-5 times. Let us say that I was very prepared to love the movie. I didn't. The movie opens with a flashback sequence that flies in the face of direct testimony from the first episode of the series. I'm not talking inconsequential--the movie utilizes this flashback to establish a totally different personality for one of the main characters. It sort of deteriorates from there: Explanations are given for Reavers , and although it stays tight with classic SF, the way it plays out in the FireFly 'Verse just dosen't cut it. Several of the principals exhibit personalities in some degree different from the series. The main antagonist disapoints (I can't really say more) Characters, several times, exhibit odd behavior for the sake of the plot. They rea...