Quest New Year Qe31 Once a year on March 17th (for ancient historical reasons) I like to look away from the horrid winter that I am currently stuck in and look forward to POSSIBILITY! Much of the thinking that I do is personal and comes out in lots of ways through my thoughts and actions over the year. But, part of it is about gathering with like-minded people who want to challenge themselves to believe in themselves, plan for a glorious (and sometimes frivolous) future. Talk, laugh, exchange reading ideas, talk about movies, and drink way too much coffee. It feels like forever since I celebrated a proper QNY. I went full orange and even decorated my fingernails. Had to work a full day at the Rusty MacDonald branch library, but I still had plenty of emotional energy left for celebrating the new year. 20:13 Dr. Exudu Had a catch-up conversation with The Dr. for over an hour. It was the first time we spoke since 2019. It was good to reconnect, hear how he is doing, and tell h...