My Apple Watch Usage (Series 3)

A response to Federico’s concern that series 3 users are all like his mom ( Connected #334 ) . I feel like I may be getting a bit more than my Mickey Mouse’s worth from this thing. But, I’ll let you be the judge of that. For the oddly curious, I've previously done a (handwritten) review of the series 3 , in 2018. Also, the series 0 , in 2015 General Use Pattern I put on my watch first thing in the morning (6:30am) and take it off when I go to bed (10:30pm). Mostly, the watch serves as a way to get silent notifications (I hate phone pings and constant phone glancing), and to add items to my todo, omnifocus, and grocery lists. I also use it disturbingly often to locate my misplaces phone :) There are typically three scenarios where I might remove it during the day: top-up charging, photography, keynote slideshow (see below) Exercise I track yoga and walking exercise after breakfast. Then I may track a run or VR exercise playing Beat Saber. Pre-pandemic I ran a lot of s...