Clearing my Circle

I played a lot of hacky sack when I was in university. Like so many of my activities, I'm afraid I did it to the point of obsession. My main partner for the game was Dave. We would find a patch of grass in a park and hack for hours at a time. He used to make fun of me for a particular behaviour that I would engage in as I played. Each time I passed the hacky sack to him, I would quickly grab a pinecone, or a small stick that was in the grass and toss it out of my zone of play, which I called my "spot." Clearing my spot was an obsessive activity that I engaged in every time I played the game. Dave said I reminded him of a squirrel--running round collecting things in the grass and organizing them. I just wanted my area to be clear of debris. Poor choice during partner's zoom call 25 years later, I was having a conversation with Wendy. I was trying to explain--yet another instance--of why I liked a particular piece of Lululemon clothing. I may have already told you abou...