Mt. Allison Trip - Days 5 & 6 -- Goodbye

As a quick catch me up... Day 4 saw us exploring Old Quebec in QC. It was insanely beautiful. Street artists and musicians. Hidden alleys and stairwells around each corner. Beautiful shops and resturants everywhere. We are on a very tight budget and so we dreamed big dreams as we browsed wall-sized paintings of maritime autumns and discovered the "perfect" boots. Then we settled for a delicious meal at Le Lapin Sauté . The food was good but the desserts blew Leora's mind. You will remember that she is a dessert goddess in her own right, so... The next day saw us arrive in New Brunswick with a full day to spare before Leora could check in at her residence so we did some sight-seeing. Below, for your delection, Canada's longest covered bridge. Much more importantly, I've wanted to see The Bay of Fundy since I was a little boy. We arrived 1/2 an hot before the park closed and I was wondering if I was going to miss my chance. As it happens, it just meant we couldn...