Nashville, Tennessee 2014 -- Day 2

BTW, when I say "Day 2," I'm not counting our first travel day. Deal with it, or do some mental math. On-the-fly. Your choice. Thought I should say something. Day TWO begins with another neighbourhood walk. This time through Historic Edgefield. It's a pretty amazing place. Large yards, grand pillars and chimneys everywhere. We tried to go to the highly rated Sky Blue Cafe but, on a Sunday morning with 20 churches within a 5 block radius (I'm not joking), people were bursting out the doors, the wait list was huge and I couldn't even find an employee to talk to. I was disappointed. Then, a botched google search for "pancakes" lead me to Bagel Face Bakery . I was worried as Wendy and I approached the door. It looked like, possibly, an old laundromat had been converted to a dining room, or something. Walking in, I could hear a groovy bass-line that I recognized. A good sign... Bizarre Bagel Face Bakery Mascotts Inside, 20kg bags of...