Yoho 2014 - Featuring Mt. Kerr

Sunset Giving Me the Finger Dave and I managed to miss two years in a row of doing a mountain trip together, but schedules and luck finally co-ordinated. On September 3rd I jumped in the van and drove the 8hrs to Canmore, AB. I love the time driving... exploring new music... stopping to take pictures on pure inspiration. If I had thought carefully, I probably would have planned to be near Drumheller for the sunset. I was just lucky, I guess. Horseshoe Canyon -- Sunset Knowing I was going to be in just before midnight, I never lingered long while taking pictures. There is no sense in making a long drive dangerous by being tired on the road. Dave and I were up mid morning and hit the road. We passed by Banff and Lake Louise and crossed into BC, winding up at Yoho National Park. We began our journey with some quick elevation gain following the Iceline Trail. Dave reckoned that doing the more difficult hike when we had lots of energy would be better...