Ontario 2014 -- "I drove all niiiii-eee-iiight..."

If you "missed out" on the first two posts related to this vacation... Here is Our trip out and some early adventures in Waterloo. There are a few items left on our vacation agenda that I would like to discuss. Stratford is less than an hour from Waterloo. We made a lovely afternoon trip out to see Alice: Through the Looking Glass . Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass are childhood favourites of mine and I have read them both to Leora and Anwyn. So, while Gus worked and Darwyn stayed with Joanne (the current au pair), Wendy and the girls and I went with Greta and Max. We arrived with enough time to enjoy some amazing chocolates (for Wendy, Anwyn, Greta and Max) from Rheo Thompson Candies and coffee/cheesecake (for Me and Leora) from Coffee Culture . They were both quite close to the Avon Theatre. We all enjoyed the show, but Greta and Max thought the story was a bit impenetrable. That sounds about right for Lewis Carroll ;) I found the visuals qui...