San Francisco 2014 -- Day 5 (Last Day)

Pretty hard to get this photo wrong Up before sunrise again. Even though there is only a two hour difference between Saskatchewan and California, neither of us has managed to adjust. Wendy wants to try and sleep in, so I am going to head to the Golden Gate Bridge. I think I can catch the sunrise. SF skyline at sunrise Not Alcatraz I missed my first bus, but when I arrived, this is what the SF skyline looked like. Alcatraz is beside my pinky. To the right of the awesomely giant cable, you can make out bits of the Bay bridge and then... the other stuff. At this point I'm about 1/3 of the way across. There were no other pedestrians at 7am, but there were plenty of cyclists. Every couple of minutes, I was passed at high speed by a flight of whizzing spandex. At the far side I managed to find a way to walk under the bridge. Their security is a bit more forceful than under the Broadway Bridge at home. The razor wire did, in fact, deter me (the shame). Mario's Dream. ...